
ISN could not pursue its vital research mission without the talents of a wide variety of investigators, researchers, and staff members.

Who We Are

Faculty members and research scientists; postdoctoral associates and graduate students; visitors from academia, industry, and the government; and the ISN headquarters team all work together to help revolutionize protection, survivability, and mission capabilities of the Warfighter and Warfighter-supporting platforms and systems.

The People of the ISN


ISN staff members contribute to the management and administration of the MIT ISN UARC and its research portfolio.

Current Core PIs are the research scientists and members of the MIT faculty directing the 15 projects that fall under the current core research portfolio.

Affiliated PIs are those faculty and research scientists who are affiliated with the MIT ISN UARC, whether as part of current or former core portfolios, through alternatively funded non-core research projects, or who have requested the opportunity to connect themselves with the ISN in a more informal manner in order to learn of and facilitate potential future opportunities.