Prof. Bilge Yildiz
The Yildiz Group's research focuses on laying the scientific groundwork and proof-of-principle material systems for the next generation of high-efficiency devices for energy conversion, storage and information processing, based on solid state ionic-electronic materials. The scientific insights derived from our research impact the design of novel surface/interface chemistries for:
- efficient and durable solid oxide fuel and electrolysis cells,
- redox based memristive information storage and logic,
- efficient and durable thermo/electro-chemical splitting of water and CO2,
- high energy density and high power density solid state batteries, and
- corrosion resistant films in a wide range of extreme environments as in nuclear energy generation, concentrated solar energy, and oil exploration.
We have thus far made significant contributions in advancing the molecular-level understanding of oxygen reduction and oxidation kinetics on mixed ionic-electronic solid surfaces. Specifically we have uncovered the effects of elastic strain, dislocations, temperature and oxygen pressure on the reactivity and degradation of mixed ionic/electronic materials, by combining theoretical and experimental analyses of surface electronic structure, defect mobility and composition.
The key findings in much of our work are obtained through our development of in-situ scanning tunnelling spectroscopy and x-ray spectroscopy methods in conjunction with first-principles calculations and novel atomistic simulations.